In a couple of months, Apple will unveil three new Apple Watches, including the rumored Apple Watch Pro. This new high-end model, also called “rugged” and designed for “extreme sports”, will be the company’s new bet for a specific segment of customers.
In his last book employment Newsletter BloombergMore details from Mark Gorman on this upcoming product.
9to5Mac I already mentioned that this Apple Watch Pro will have a bigger screen, longer battery life and a new body temperature sensor. Gurman thinks this watch can last several days on just one charger thanks to a rumored Low Power mode — which Apple hasn’t discussed yet.
What’s interesting here is that a Bloomberg journalist says that Apple will offer an “evolution of the current rectangular shape, not the round shape,” which means this Apple Watch Pro will get its first new look since 2018, but it won’t have the rumored flat sides Some predicted the Apple Watch Series 7.
“I was told that the high-end model would be slightly larger than the standard Apple Watch — big enough that it might appeal to only a subset of customers. The screen would be about 7% larger, and the device would have a new look — the first time the company introduced a new Apple Watch design. Since 2018. It will be an evolution of the current rectangular shape rather than the round. It also won’t have those rumored flat sides (for those who will no doubt ask). In terms of materials, the watch will have a more durable titanium composition to make it even more durable.”
As already written by 9to5MacWatchOS 9 is sure to tease this Apple Watch Pro for extreme sports. With a revamped Workout app, this operating system brings more data than ever before at a glance, while also giving a new look to older watchfaces that haven’t been updated to take advantage of larger screens.
Blood pressure and glucose measurements still lag behind on Apple Watch
While the body temperature sensor will likely be available with the Apple Watch Series 8 and Apple Watch Pro, Mark Gurman says nothing has changed regarding the other sensors.
He states that “blood pressure technology likely won’t arrive until 2025” and “the glucose advantage may not be ready until near the end of the decade”.
With that said, Apple will likely struggle to introduce new features as it’s been two years since adding a new sensor, and the company is rumored to be using the same Apple Watch Series 6 chip in the new Apple Watch Series 8.
Are you excited about this new Apple Watch? Do you think the Apple Watch Pro could be the right model for you? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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