Ahead of Apple’s “Far Out” event in September, a new report emerged that the company will introduce a new, low-cost Apple Watch. While we’ve seen many reports about the new, high-end Apple Watch, this is the first time this information has surfaced in connection with this event. Although the price was not mentioned, the new watch should arrive at a lower price than the Apple Watch SE.
according to The New York Times , In an article on why the Apple Watch is becoming more important for parents and kids, a source revealed that Apple may introduce a new version of the Apple Watch that will be cheaper than the SE model. Currently, there are five Apple Watch models. The base model, the Series 3, was introduced nearly five years ago in 2017. Despite the watch’s age, it has remained in the lineup by being the company’s cheapest model, coming in at $199. If the information from The New York Times Minute, the Series 3 can be replaced because it’s the cheapest model currently available, and it sits below the SE variant. This would make sense given that Series 3 will no longer receive software support. With the announcement of watchOS 9, it was revealed that Apple will not support the Watch Series 3 with the new update.
By replacing its lower-tier model, Apple could be in a position to improve the experience by offering an updated SoC and possibly even including cellular connectivity. While this last feature is a long request, if you can add it to its base Apple Watch model, it can offer the family setup on the unit, which is not currently available on the Watch Series 3. If a replacement for the Series 3 or a new low-cost class is announced This could be one of Apple’s biggest releases of smartwatches to date. Of course, when questioned, Apple declined to comment on the upcoming event and potential products that could be launched. Fortunately, we won’t have to wait long, as Apple’s event is scheduled for September 7, when the company is likely to announce the Apple Watch Series 8, Pro model, and SE 2.
source: New York times
Across: 9to5Mac